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Cold spell is expected to arrive in Thailand at the end of October with the weather being cooler this year than those recorded in the past few years, the Meteorological Department predicted on Monday.
Average temperature in the upper part of the country during the cold season which is expected to last until next February is forecast at 15-20 degree Celsius with the lowest temperature anticipated at 6-7 degree Celsius in the upper parts of the northern and northeastern regions while the lowest temperature in Bangkok is forecast at between 14-15 degree Celsius.
The coldest period will be between the second half of December until middle of next January with frost expected to take place on mountain top.
The cold spell forecasts were based on statistics and analysis of weather forecast model, said the Meteorological Department.
The department also forecasted to heavy and very heavy rainfalls during November and December in the eastern coast of the South from Chumphon province downward, resulting in flash floods because of the influence of storms in the South China Sea coupled with monsoon trough.